BiiG Apps 应用

BMX MotoBoard 5.1
BiiG Apps
THIS APP IS NO LONGER SUPPORTED. It seemsthatthere are still a large number of devices with it installed soIwill leave it here.If you are interested in being part of a open sourcedevelopmentproject for an ABA app, please contact thedeveloper.This App is designed for NBL BMX racing and allows users tokeeptrack of point totals for multiple seasons for multipleriders.There is also a Widget that acts as a motoboard showing motoandgate numbers on your homescreen.The primary use of this app is for National Bicycle LeaugeBMXracing participants to be able to easily keep track of theirownpoint totals. Each rider can have multiple seasons. Forexample,cruiser and 20" or a cruiser and 20" for state andnationals! Atotal of 4 seasons. Each season is composed of acertain number ofraces (for SSA it is 8 locals and 3 qualifers plusthechampionship) worth different points. Triple, Double, orSinglepoint races. Additionally, each race a rider has can be usedformore than one season. The point values for each race is setusingpoint schedules. These point schedules come with the app orcan becreated for any sanction.The Motoboard App allows users to select the class from thepointschedules for each individual race. This allows for the typeofsituation where an Expert races with Challengers. Point capsareautomatically calculated so that the rider will not recievemorepoints than is allowed for their registered class. An *appearsnext to races that were capped.The Motoboard Widget is useful enough by itself and is howtheapp got started. It allows users to place a widget on theirhomescreen that keeps track of a race throughout the day. Itupdatesbased on where you are in the motos, semis, etc... and willalwaystell you what you need to know about the race at a glance.What ismy Moto and Gate?This app is free without adds and will probably stay that way.Ihave considered doing a full rewrite and would then charge<$1.I hate adds so that's out. This app was written for myfamily of 6racers and I decided to publish it for others. Pleaseconsider thatI do not monitor things and errors may occur. I willcheck forerror reports and try to make changes for things that Ican quicklysee the issue.Please feel free to contact me with suggestions or problems.Thanks!
All Around Gymnastic Scoring 2.1.4
BiiG Apps
PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THIS APP ISHAVINGPROBLEMS WITH SOME VERSIONS OF ANDROID! We are in the processoffixing these errors and hope to have a working version beforetheend of January 2014. Please report any errors and THANK YOUforyour patience.We are also in the process of adding a boys version as perthenumerous requests.This application is designed to allow users to keep track ofscoresand video from gymnastic competitions. This application isnot theonly score keeper application on the Market. It is howeverthefirst and the most downloaded. And of course, it is stillfree!The main application has options for adding, editing,anddeleting a gymnast or meet from the database. Once the gymnastsareadded, users can create meets and select the gymnasts thatarecompeting in each meet. From the Scores activity, users cankeeptrack of scores for each gymnast for each event as well as takeorview video of each event for each gymnast.The Gymnast activity allows users to enter a target AllAroundscore that they would like to achieve. During thecompetition, oncescores are updated, the Scores activity willdisplay what scoreeach gymnast needs on the remaining events toreach theirtarget.After a meet is completed, users can view statistics foraselected gymnast. The statistics displayed are the "Best"scoresfrom all meets, the "Average" scores and the StandardDeviation.Users can also get charts showing score versus time forall eventsor a specific event.The app has a widget that allows users to control everythingfora meet from entering scores to recording video all right fromthehome screen with ease. Users can also open the application righttothe scores activity for a meet or open the app itself. Thewidgetwill crash upon first try. It will work after that. Dumbdeveloperissue and I ran out of time. Will be fixed soon.As a final touch, users can personalize the mainactivitybackground by using a picture of their own. Take a pictureof yourgymnasts and use that as a background.Please follow directions and it will work correctly.DO NOT USE THE SINGLE QUOTE ANYWHERE IN NAMES. Like O'DonnelorGym's or Joe's. It causes a force close.PLEASE!!!!! report force closes so that I may fix them foryouand other users. If you would like the code and want to fix oraddthings... Let me know and I'll start a google code projectorsomething. I wrote this app for myself and of course havenoissues. LOL. I don't test on different devices because all Ihaveare Galaxy S's (I, II, & III) to test on. Please helpothers byreporting. I will respond to emails.REGARDING EXISTING USERS: Your data is not gone!!! It is stilltherein the text files in \allaround\gymnast.txt and the othertext filesin the allaround folder. I am trying to make an importoption butit's not so easy. The import process is not simplebecause thegymnast and meet level are now part of the database.This is why Iswitched to a database instead of text files, so anyfuture changesor additions will not cause these issues.Thank you
ABA BMX MotoBoard 1.5
BiiG Apps
We stopped racing so I've stopped developmentof this app. If anyone is interested in participating in a opensource project, please contact the developer.Hopefully our city will allow us to operate a track and we willstart racing again! Then I would continue development of thisapp.This is a motoboard app for the ABA BMX Sanction. It is stillunder development. Please contact the developer to assist in thedevelopment. I need to know several things about ABA racing andseasons. Please help!!! Thanks...v1.2: Other seasons work to Evaluate Season point totalv1.3: Added gate reaction time button.